de novo DNA-based catch bonds

In this paper we describe the first artificial bond that strengthens under stress. Not only did we find this catch bond, we also identified regime corresponding to ideal bond behavior, being insensitive to stress.

Great results of a collaboration with Joris Sprakel (Biochemistry) and Jasper van der Gucht (Physical Chemistry & Soft Matter), and the excellent work by graduate student Martijn van Galen and undergraduates Annemarie Bok en Taieesa Peshkovsky.

See also this interview in C2W.

OTP project to improve delivery efficiency of antibody-therapeutics to tumors

Very happy to announce that NWO granted our OTP proposal to develop stealth antibodies that lower unwanted toxic effects (SALUTE). Together with Sandra Heskamp (Radboudumc) with the support of Synaffix, Genmab, and EnzyTag, we will develop generic methods to improve the dose-to-tumor delivery of antibody-based therapeutics.

Associate Professor

I am very happy to announce that I will be a tenured Associate Professor as of October 1st! This big step has only been possible due to the hard work of my excellent team of co-workers and colleagues. Very much looking for the future to come.

Trends in Biochemical Sciences paper

My review on the application of 'Functionalized DNA secondary structures and nanostructures for specific protein modifications' has now appeared in the journal Trends in Biochemical Sciences.

It details how DNA can be used in a very artificial manner to chemically modify proteins and control their functions. It was a joy to compose, and I thank the journal for the extended invitation!

Enjoy the read!
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